Search with tag: "en"
  • Why some stocks show the quarterly data in advance?
    For example, in May, its Factsheet page has shown the 3rd quarter data even though only the 1st quarter data has been released. That’s because a company’s fiscal year doesn’t necessarily fol...
  • Why some companies’ revenues on have different data from those on Jitta FactSheet?
    For the revenue number, Jitta uses a company’s sales revenue or main revenue while SET uses total revenue. The reason Jitta uses sales revenue is to show a clearer picture of whether the mai...
  • How can I compare the performance data between two companies on the FactSheet?
    Go to the FactSheet page of the stock you want, then right click on the stock you want to compare it with (from the Related or Follow group on the right) If the stock you want to compare is ...
  • How do I find out the meaning of the numbers on the FactSheet page?
    To learn more about the numbers on Factsheet such as Operating Margin Income Tax Rate Working Cap’l (฿mill) 4.Shr. Equity (mill) Return on Total Ca’l Please go to Glossary.
  • Can I export the financial data?
    Jitta currently does not allow you to export Factsheet and Financial data. However, we offer you the customized factsheet to which you can add financial formula/ ratio/ indicator. You can ch...
  • Why is it that sometimes Jitta Score stays put when some Jitta Factors, such as Recent Performance, have improved?
    Jitta Factor is only one part of Jitta Score, so that can happen sometimes. Mostly, Jitta Factor and Jitta Score should move in the same direction. Recent Performance is a bit special becaus...
  • Which quarter Jitta Factor has been most recently updated?
    Like Jitta Score, Jitta Factor is shown quarterly. So you can move your mouse over Jitta Score on the Summary page to find out which quarterly financial statements the current Jitta Score an...
  • How do you calculate Competitive Advantage?
    Competitive Advantage is hard to measure since it is a qualitative value. What is Jitta approach on calculating this value? Even though we can’t directly disclose our calculation formula, we...
  • What does Return to shareholder in Jitta Factor mean?
    Where does it come from? Return to shareholder measures how a company creates wealth for its shareholders (irrelevant to the market price) and whether its management works to maximize its sh...
  • How do you calculate Growth Opportunity in Jitta Factor?
    For Growth Opportunity, we look at the growth of the company in an overall picture: whether it is higher or lower compared to the industry and competitors, whether the business has reached a...
  • How come each stock has a different number of Jitta Signs?
    Some have many while others have just a few. Jitta Signs will show only the strength and weakness of the numbers in the company’s financial statements. If there is no clear strength or weakn...
  • When investing in a wonderful company, must we always wait until its price becomes lower than its value
    How much can we give premium to a good stock, i.e. how many percent higher than Jitta Line? The higher quality the stock, the higher the price compared to its fair value we can invest. To le...
  • For some stocks, Jitta Line is shown as a short brown line in the current year. What does that mean?
    When a company has completed its annual financial statements and yet to announce its first quarter statements for the current year, Jitta will consider that the company has the same value ba...
  • Does Jitta Line indicate fair value? What are the factors that go into calculating Jitta Line, for example PE, PVB , P/S, Price/ free cash flow, yield?
    Jitta Line is the fair value of a business. It is calculated based on the following principle: if we want to buy a business as a sole owner, how much we will pay for it in order to break eve...
  • What is Jitta Line?
    Jitta Line represents the fair price or intrinsic value of a stock, based on a business perspective. When the stock price is below the Jitta Line, it means that the stock is trading below it...
  • How do I find out Jitta Score from previous years or quarters?
    For previous years’ Jitta Score, please go to the Summary page. On the graph, there’s a Jitta Score tab which shows Jitta Score from every end of previous years. It lets us easily see how co...
  • What is Jitta Score?
    Jitta Score is the number representing the business performance of the company for the past 10 years on a scale from 1 to 10. The higher the score, the better the company. Having Jitta Score...
  • How do I get started with Jitta?
    Start investing with Jitta by simply following these 8 strategies: Look for JItta Score >7 Look at Historical Jitta Score consistently >5 Look for Jitta Line Uptrend and market price b...
  • Can I unsubscribe to Jitta Pro and get a refund?
    Since August 1, 2017, we have shut down our Jitta Pro subscription service. Your existing Jitta Pro subscription(s) continues to be active until its end date, and no refunds can be issued. R...
  • How can I edit my payment details?
    As of August 1, 2017, we have shut down our Jitta Pro subscription service, resulting in the removal of your credit card information for security purposes. You no longer need to manage your ...
  • Where can I check my Jitta subscription?
    Your subscription(s) can be managed in Account Setting. Click your profile picture >> Subscription or click here. Note that only current Jitta Pro subscribers can access this menu.
  • Why do I receive Jitta’s email updates?
    Jitta will communicate and give you the most recent update through email. Once you have signed up with Jitta, you gave the permission to receive our email communication. This can be managed ...
  • How do I edit my account profile?
    To edit your Jitta account information, please go to your account setting There are six sections you can manage as following: Investment Profile: You can select your default stock market her...
  • Can I buy stocks via Jitta?
    No, we are an information business. We crunch through large quantities of financial data and present the analysis in a simple and useful manner. We don’t look after your money or offer tradi...
  • How do I sign up if I don’t have Facebook account?
    Alternatively, you can sign up with your Google account (Gmail). We are working on the sign up process which allows you to create your own username and password with Jitta Account soon.
  • How does Jitta make money?
    Jitta’s mission is to help global investors create better returns through simple methods. That’s why we let you access the whole of Jitta site free of charge. Just go to ...
  • Who can use Jitta?
    Everyone who is interested in or investing on stocks. We aim to help investors across the world. We believe everyone is capable to invest. Our job is to develop the best value investing plat...
  • Do you give advice or assist with advisors?
    We believe in the importance of advice. However, we are better suited to help you with our technology. We can help you spot more investment opportunities with our “Browse” feature which show...
  • Where I can learn more about Jitta?
    Jitta Library provides detailed information about Value Investing and Jitta Methodology as well as investing articles, video tutorials and other resources such as books and investing blog fo...
  • Has Jitta’s algorithm been proved?
    Jitta was built from real-world investment experiences. We know how complicated and frustrating the market can be. We realize technology can help us create the simplest and most successful p...
  • Why does Jitta believe in Warren Buffett’s Philosophy?
    Because Warren Buffett’s investment strategy has been proven to work successfully. Also equally important are the following points: It is an investment strategy that anyone can follow to bui...
  • What is Jitta’s investment philosophy?
    Jitta’s philosophy is inspired by Warren Buffett’s most famous saying, “It’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.” This advic...
  • What does Jitta mean?
    Jitta is “Thoughtfulness” in Sanskrit. It is a Buddhist principle that says you can accomplish anything if you have “complete focus on what you are doing.” When applied to investing, it mean...
  • Who is Jitta Team?
    Based in San Francisco, United State and Bangkok, Thailand, our team of 9 has a range of experience in investment, technology and digital business development. Our CEO is a veteran of Value ...
  • What is the story behide Jitta?
    Jitta was built from real-world investment experiences. We know how complicated and frustrating the market can be. We realize technology can help us create the simplest and most successful p...
  • What is Jitta?
    Jitta is a “Value Investing” platform that simplifies financial analysis for individual investors and financial advisors. Our platform offers actionable advice to help you streamline investm...
  • Stock Analysis
    When should we sell stocks?
    Every stock is not equal! Don’t sell any stocks just because you want to sell the stocks or because you already got some profits. During a tough situation in stock market, always remem...
  • Investment Principles
    Understanding the Fiscal Year
    There are many people who would like to know more about the Fiscal Year and the Calendar Year. Many might be confused by the Factsheet, because some companies would have their quarterly reve...
  • Investment Principles
    The PDCA of Investing
    Investing successfully is not all that different from operating a business successfully (or doing other things successfully).
  • Investment Strategies, Stock Analysis
    The Origin and Concept of the Jitta Score
    There are many who are curious about the Jitta Score. How high should the score be to qualify as an attractive investment?