Part 3Introduce Jitta
The mission of Jitta.com to help investors around the world to invest easier and better way.
- Jitta was built in the principle of "Buy a wonderful company at a fair price"
- Jitta Score: Analyze how strong the business is
- Jitta Line: The fair price helps to determine when should you buy
- Introduce Jitta Fundamental and its features including Jitta Score, Jitta Line, Jitta Signs, Follow Button
- Jitta knowledgs and tutorials at Jitta Library

Learn to understand the principle of Value Investment

The greatest of Value Investment is "Buy a wonderful company at a fair price".

The Origin and Concept of Jitta Ranking, learn how to use Jitta in advanced level

Principle of Buying and Selling Stocks, comparing buy and hold VS Buying and Selling and Compound Rate with Risk
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